全部作者:汪建立 林忠平
【摘要】 介绍消除室内气态污染物的净化技术的研究进展,探讨了利用紫外线照射相关技术综合治理室内气态污染物的可行性,设计了紫外线照射净化装置并进行了实验研究。实验结果表明,多种技术综合运用可以有效提高甲醛的去除效率。 【Abstract】 This paper introduced the recent research developments on controlling indoor gaseous contaminants firstly.A new method to decontaminate the gaseous contaminants using UV related technology was then discussed.Finally,An air cleaning device based on the method was designed and a laboratory experiment was carried out in a test chamber.The results of the experiment showed that the efficiency of decontaminating formaldehyde could be increasing using UV related technology. 【关键词】 紫外线(UV); 臭氧; 羟基自由基; 净化; 气态污染物 【Key words】 Ultraviolet; O3; Photocatalyst; Decontamination; Gaseous contaminants
关键词:暖通空调论文 紫外线(UV) 臭氧
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