全部作者:冯胜山 刘庆丰 许顺
【摘要】 介绍了直接蒸发冷却式地温空调机的原理和特点;综述了直接蒸发冷却式地温空调机用纸质、金属质、泡沫陶瓷质和其它材质热湿交换材料及其应用的最新研究进展;预测泡沫陶瓷将是空调机热湿交换材料的主要发展方向。 【Abstract】 The recently progress in research of the padding of directive evaporative cooling air conditioner is summarized.The emphasis is on the principle and advantages of padding.The material for the padding is classified into four aspects,i.e.,papery padding,metallic padding,foam ceramic padding and other padding.The application of padding is also reviewed.It is forecasted that ceramic foam will be the main development direction of heat and moisture exchange materials of the air conditioner. 【关键词】 直接蒸发冷却; 热湿交换; 填料; 进展 【Key words】 direct evaporation cooling; heat and moisture transfer; padding; progress
关键词:直接蒸发冷却 热湿交换 填料 进
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