全部作者:高波 冯炼 徐斌斌
【摘要】 当前,建筑节能问题越来越受到社会的高度重视,为了解成都地区住宅建筑空调负荷特性,本文采用DeSTh软件对成都地区某典型居住建筑进行空调负荷计算分析。研究表明,全工况间歇空调模式与连续空调模式下,空调尖峰负荷具有较大差异,在进行住宅空调负荷计算时,可按照常规连续空调负荷计算算法进行计算,但应根据全年动态负荷分布进行修正。在本文计算条件下,成都地区提高围护结构保温性能,对减少空调负荷以及能耗具有较大的作用,增强保温对冬季空调能耗影响大夏季。 【Abstract】 At present,the building energy is very important,in order to find out the characteristic of Air-conditioning load in residential buildings in Chengdu,in this paper,we calculation and analysis a typical residential building air conditioning load in Chengdu using DeST-h.The results show that,the peak load has a big difference between the intermittent air conditioning and continuous air conditioning.we can use the present design calculation method of continuous air conditioning to calculate air conditioning load in residential building,but it should be based on dynamic load distribution throughout the year.In this calculation condition,improve the thermal insulation performance of building envelope is an effective method to reduce the load and energy consumption of air conditioning and its impact in winter than in summer. 【关键词】 居住建筑; 间隙空调; 负荷; 模拟; 成都 【Key words】 residential building; intermittent air conditioning; load; simulation; Chengdu
关键词:居住建筑 间隙空调 负荷 模拟
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