全部作者:姜明健 郭庆沅 韩志
【中文摘要】 对冷冻水的供/回水温度设定在1116℃的水源热泵专用末端装置进行试验研究,发现热泵专用末端装置要比普通热泵末端装置的性能有所提高,在用户要求不变的情况下,可以提高热泵的效率,降低运行费用,达到经济节能的效果。 【英文摘要】 Experimentally studies the specific terminal devices of water source heat pump system which the supply and return chilled water temperature is set to between 1116 ℃.Finds out that the specific terminal devices has the better performance than the normal one,the specific one has a high heat pump efficiency and lower running cost,and achieves energy-saving target. 【中文关键词】 水源热泵; 末端装置; 试验研究 【英文关键词】 water source heat pump; terminal devices; experimental study
关键词:水源热泵 末端装置 试验研究
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