全部作者:张彦丽 钱锐 陈江平
【中文摘要】 "制冷速度不够快"是J.D.Power公布的有关汽车空调的主要问题之一,本文回归了J.D.Power数据和最大降温速率的函数关系式,将该函数用于汽车空调系统设计,有助于指导汽车空调设计工程师评估空调系统降温特性对舒适性的影响。 【英文摘要】 "AC doesn't get cold enough-fast enough" is one of the major automobile air conditioning systems issues which published.,In this paper the function relationship between J.D.Power PPH and Max cool down rate was obtained by regression analysis which can help the designing engineers to evaluate the effect of automobile AC system cool down performance on comfortableness when they design the air conditioning systems. 【中文关键词】 制冷速度不够快; J.D.Power值; 最大降温速率 【英文关键词】 AC doesnt get cold enough-fast enough; J.D.Power PPH score; Max cool down rate
关键词:制冷速度不够快 J.D.Power值 最
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