全部作者:冯永斌 晏刚 钱文波
【中文摘要】 针对制冷剂R22的替代问题,提出了一种适用于空调等制冷设备的环保型混合制冷剂R1270/R152a/R13I1。基于Refprop8.0,对R1270/R152a/R13I1的基本热物理性质和制冷系统循环性能进行了分析,研究表明:在标准工况下,R1270/R152a/R13I1混合制冷剂的COP和单位容积制冷量均与R22相当,非常有利于直接灌注式替代;在变工况下,R1270/R152a/R13I1的滑移温度较小,性能优于R407C,单位容积制冷量与R407C和R22相当,是一种优良的R22替代物。 【英文摘要】 A new refrigerant mixture,R1270/R152a/R13I1,is proposed as a substitute for R22 in this paper.The thermophysical properties of this environment-friendly mixture and its refrigeration system performance are theoretically analyzed with the software Refprop 8.0.The results show that the COP and the unit volume refrigerating capacity of the system with the new refrigerant mixture is equivalent to those with R22 under the standard working condition.Under the variable working condition,the temperature glide of the system with the new refrigerant mixture is lower and the COP is higher than that with R407C while the unit volume refrigerating capacity is equivalent to that with R407C or R22.It is likely that R1270/R152a/R13I1 is a drop-in substitute for R22 in the refrigeration systems. 【中文关键词】 工程热力学; R1270/R152a/R13I1; 制冷剂; 性能; 环保 【英文关键词】 Engineering Thermodynamics; R1270/R152a/R13I1; Refrigerant; Performance; Environment friendly
关键词:暖通空调论文 R1270/R152a/R13I1
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