全部作者:张国昊 徐文华
【中文摘要】 水环热泵系统作为节能型空调系统的一种形式,近年在中国得到较多应用。对于近年有些工程提出了采用空气源热泵作为热源与水环热泵联合供暖的方式,本文依据生产厂家提供的技术参数,拟合出空气源热泵和水环热泵的COP性能曲线,对两种热泵联合运行供热时的系统性能系数COP进行了理论分析并用Maple软件进行模拟计算,得出联合运行系统与单独采用空气源热泵系统相比并不节能的结论。 【英文摘要】 Water loop heat pump systems are considered as the energy-saving air-conditioning form and have been popular in China in recent years.There are some projects now using air-source heat pumps as the heat source of water loop heat pumps in winter.This paper fitted the COP performance curves of both air-source heat pumps and water loop heat pumps based on the manufacturer's technical parameters,then discussed the COP performances of the co-operating system of the two heat pump heating system and made use of Maple software to analyze this process.The conclusion was that the performance of co-operating of two systems is not energy-saving as compared with the air source heat pump only. 【中文关键词】 空气源热泵; 水环热泵; 性能系数COP 【英文关键词】 air-source heat pump; water-loop heat pump; COP
关键词:空气源热泵 水环热泵 性能系数CO
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