全部作者:林津 何玲玲 朱荣元
【中文摘要】 本文介绍华新公司研制新型温度分层式水蓄冷装置,利用谷段电力增添空调冷源,改善企业的生产条件和职工劳动环境,内容包括该装置的设计、使用效果、投资回收期和综合效益分析。实践证明,这项节能措施使企业和社会都能得益,并可以在有条件的单位推广应用。 【英文摘要】 A new temperature-layered water thermal storage has been developed in Shanghai Hua Xin Textile Fabric Co.,Ltd. The storage using economic power in valley period to enhance the cooling source of air-conditioning,and the environment for workers and manufacturing got improved,the design,application effect,payback period and general benefit analysis of the storage have been introduced.It is proved by practice that this energy saving measure could benefit the enterprise owners and public society,and it could be extended to those with available space. 【中文关键词】 水蓄冷; 布水; 整流层 【英文关键词】 water thermal storage; water distribution; rectifying layer
关键词:暖通空调论文 水蓄冷 布水 整流
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