全部作者:施敏琪 姜凌 张彦
【中文摘要】 冷冻站中采用蒸发器侧冷水系统变流量或常规的定流量系统的设计配置,对系统的运行能耗有着比较重要的影响。本文对于蒸发器侧冷水系统定流量和变流量的分析表明:一次泵变流量系统不仅可以节省系统的初投资和机房面积,做到冷水泵的节能运行,而且还可以减少冷水机组的全年运行时数,节省冷却水泵的运行时数和能耗。 【英文摘要】 The constant and variable primary flow design proposals at the chilled water side of the evaporator has an important influence on the operation cost of the system.The analyze shows that,applying variable primary system not only the system primary cost and the area of machine room would decrease,but also the economic operation of the chilled water pump would be realized.Moreover,the annual operation hours of the system would decrease,and the operation hours and the energy consumption of the pump would also decrease. 【中文关键词】 一次泵定流量系统; 二次泵变流量系统; 一次泵变流量系统 【英文关键词】 CPF; Constant Primary only system; PSD:Primary and Secondary Decoupled system; VPF:Variable primary system
关键词:暖通空调论文 一次泵定流量系统
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