全部作者:罗迎宾 梁路军 季柳
【摘要】 本文结合南京某水产养殖场工程案例,在探讨地源热泵技术应用理论的基础上,对水产养殖采用地源热泵系统的技术性及经济性进行分析,分析结果表明节能效果相当明显,具有较高的市场推广价值;完成由传统养殖技术到现代绿色养殖技术的转变,加快水产养殖技术的实用化和商业化进程。 【Abstract】 The article unifies the actual situation of aquaculture,creative introduce the ground source heat pump technology,through intellectualized control and realization the true sense green cultivation.At the same time,in the base of the hot theory,carry on the analysis of useing the ground source heat pump system,the average COP can achieve above 4,has the giant market introduction value;Completes the transformation from traditional cultivation technology to the modern green cultivation technology,speeds up the aquaculture technology,the practical application and the commercialization advancement. 【关键词】 地源热泵; 水产养殖; 恒温 【Key words】 Ground source heat Pump; Squaculture; Constant temperature
关键词:暖通空调论文 地源热泵 水产养殖
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