全部作者:王丽 刘志铮 王岳人
【摘要】 建立低温地板辐射采暖的传热模型,通过实测及理论计算,得出各表面之间的对流及辐射换热量,通过对换热表面的合理简化,得出地板辐射采暖表面温度与埋管层厚度、埋管间距的关系,为地板辐射采暖设计时确定埋管结构尺寸提供依据。 【Abstract】 The heat transfer model of the radiant heating low-temperature floor is established.Through our actual measurent and theoretical calculation,we obtained the surface's convection and the radiant transferring-heat.After simplifing the transferring-heat surface,we got the relations between surface temperature of the radiant heating of the floor and the thickness of the tube layer and tubes'pitches.It provides the evidence of the structure and the tube size when designing the radiant heating floor. 【关键词】 低温地板辐射采暖; 传热模型; 温度分布; 埋管间距; 埋深厚度 【Key words】 the radiant heating low-temperature floor; heat transfer model; temperature distribution; Tube pitches; the depth of the thickness
关键词:暖通空调论文 低温地板辐射采暖
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