全部作者:张建一 秘文涛
文献出处: 中国制冷学会2009年学术年会论
【关键词】 制冷装置; 冷凝压力; 优化控制; 节能; 【英文论文关键词】 Refrigerating plant Condensing pressure Optimal control Energy saving; 【论文摘要】 通过分析厦门某典型工业制冷装置的历史运行参数,深入研究了工业制冷装置的实际运行状况。研究发现,在部分负荷工况下,该厂压缩机和蒸发式冷凝器的负荷匹配不合理,冷凝压力值偏低,造成运行能耗上升。现场实际测试计算表明,该厂通过压缩机和冷凝器的合理匹配,可以对冷凝压力进行优化控制,节能可达5.43kW。结果表明,在部分负荷工况下冷凝压力的优化控制具有节能效果,并且具有容易操作实现的特点。 【英文论文摘要】 Actual operating statuses of a typical industrial refrigerating plant in Xiamen are studied based on the analysis of historical operating parameters. It is found that the match between compressors and condensers is inconsequence under part-load conditions. It results in a low condensing pressure and high energy consumption. The energy saving is 5.43 kW from the field testing under part-load conditions if the condensing pressure is reasonably controlled. Optimal control of condensing pressure can save energy...
关键词:暖通空调论文 制冷装置 冷凝压力
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