我要投稿论文 - 空调制冷


上传时间:2010-07-07 浏览量:198
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全部作者:吴植仁 毛四成 


【摘要】 铜是重大战略物资,我国每年约60%的铜需要进口,制冷空调机组中的两器(蒸发器和冷凝器)是耗铜大户,用其他金属代替铜意义重大。本文整理有关金属替代的实践成果,证明换热面采用的金属的导热系数大小对换热器的总传热系数的影响不大;而换热器的结构型式、流体的流动状态、是否采取强化措施对总传热系数有显著的影响。为制冷空调机组中两器实现以铝代铜和以不锈钢代铜,提高两器的性价比提供实践和理论依据。 【Abstract】 Copper is a kind of strategic material and 60% of the demand in China is imported from abroad every year.The evaporator and condenser in air-conditioning units need a great amount of copper.So it is very important to substitute other kinds of metal for copper.Introduces some results of using other kinds of material instead of copper which indicate that the thermal conductivity of the heat transfer area's material has less effect on the total heat transfer coefficient,and whereas the structural form of the heat exchanger and the state of the fluids in the heat exchanger as well as the means to strengthen heat transfer have great effect.Gives some practices and theoretical basis for using aluminum and/or stainless steel instead of copper in the evaporator and condenser to raise the ratio between the performance and cost of the two units. 【关键词】 换热器; 总传热系数; 导热系数; 蒸发器; 冷凝器; 换热面 【Key words】 heat exchanger; total heat transfer coefficient; thermal conductivity; evaporator; condenser; heat transfer surface

关键词:暖通空调论文 换热器 总传热系数 

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吴植仁 毛四成 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:暖通空调论文 换热器 总传热系数 


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