全部作者:王荣汉 蔡亮 蔡华林
【摘要】 研究扁管总数和总流程数一定,扁管分配比例已知的条件下,不同流程间扁管分配布置方式对平流式冷凝器换热性能的影响。采用稳态分布参数法,建立冷凝器换热数学模型。计算典型工况下不同扁管分配布置方式的结果显示:按制冷剂流动方向,依次减少每个流程扁管数的分配布置方式,所得冷凝器换热量和制冷剂出口过冷度相对最大,压降相对最小,冷凝器换热性能相对最优。 【Abstract】 Effect of tubes distribution on efficiency of parallel-flow type condenser was investigated for a given condition of definite tubes,flow passes and distribution proportion.The simulation model was established with method of steady distributed parameter.The simulation results indicate that the thermal capacity is the largest,the pressure drop is the smallest and the super-cooling degree is the largest by way of decreasing tube numbers of each flow pass along with the refrigerant flowing. 【关键词】 汽车空调; 平流式冷凝器; 扁管分配布置; 数值模拟 【Key words】 automobile air conditioning; parallel-flow type condenser; tubes distribution; numerical simulation
关键词:暖通空调论文 汽车空调 平流式冷
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