全部作者:翁文兵 朱志朋 陶红
【摘要】 用R134a和R22作为制冷剂在相同的水源热泵系统里进行实验,对比研究了各自的性能及其冷凝出水范围。实验结果表明:在相同的蒸发进水温度和冷凝出水温度下R22有着较高的制热量,高约30%,但是R134a的COP相对较高,高约5%;特别是在高温时R134a的压比以及功耗都在正常的工作范围内。 【Abstract】 This experiment mainly used R134a and R22 to carry out experimental research and study their respective properties and the scope of condensate water temperature in comparatively in the same water source heat pump system .The results of the experiment show that:the cooling capacity of R22 is 30% higher than R134a,but the COP of R134a is 5% higher than R22 in the same entering chilled water temperature and the same leaving cooling water temperature,especially in the high temperature the compression ratio and power of R134a are within the normal scope of work. 【关键词】R134a; R22; 水源热泵; COP; 制热量 【Key words】 R134a; R22; water source heat pump; COP; heating capacity
关键词:R134a R22 水源热泵 COP 制热量
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