全部作者:尹全森 李红艳 崔杰
【摘要】 针对在中小型天然气液化装置中广泛应用的单级混合制冷剂液化流程,模拟了环境温度、天然气流量和组分变化时流程参数的变化,以原有设备为约束条件,调节流程参数,使系统能够适应外界变化。结果表明:通过调节制冷剂压缩机的运行压力、工质流量和组成,单级混合制冷剂液化流程能够在较大的范围内适应环境温度和天然气的流量、组成变化,调整后的单级混合制冷剂液化流程能够保持高的效率。 【Abstract】 The single mixed refrigerant process was used widely in small and medium sized natural gas liquefaction plants.The single mixed refrigerant processes were simulated in changing of ambient temperature,mass flow rate and gas composition.Based on the project equipment,the process parameters subjected to be regulating were discussed.The result shows that by adjusting the refrigerant compressor operating pressure,refrigerant flow rate and composition,the single mixed refrigerant process can be well adaptable to the change of ambient temperature,gas flow and composition.The adjusted single-stage mixed refrigerant liquefaction process can keep the high refrigeration efficiency. 【关键词】 适应性; 调节性能; 单级混合制冷剂流程; 液化天然气 【Key words】 adaptability; regulating performance; single mixed refrigerant process; liquefied natural gas
关键词:适应性 调节性能 单级混合制冷剂
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