全部作者:张哲 田津津
【关键词】 空气源热泵; 结霜; 蒸发器; 【英文论文关键词】 air source heat pump; frost; evaporator; 【论文摘要】 为了解风冷热泵蒸发器表面结霜问题,实验研究了翅片管式蒸发器不同的结构参数,如管排数、翅片间距对风冷热泵室外侧蒸发器结霜特性的影响,获得了蒸发器结构参数对蒸发器结霜厚度和空气侧压降的变化规律。研究发现蒸发器的结构参数不同,对机组结霜性能的影响也不同,并且蒸发器结构参数对蒸发器结霜有很大的影响。实验结果为改善热泵机组结构,提高机组性能提供了依据。 【英文论文摘要】 This article studies the solutions to the problem of the frost formed on the surface of evaporator of air cooled heat pump.The effects of the various configuration parameters of finned-tube evaporator,such as the number of row,fin space on the frosting performance of evaporator of air cooled heat pump were experimentally investigated.The varied correlations between evap- orator configuration parameters and the frost thickness,pressure drop have been obtained.The experimental result shows that the frost on e...
关键词:空气源热泵 结霜 蒸发器
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