全部作者:黎立新. 王玉珏 季
摘 要 :介绍了自然复叠制冷系统以及自然复叠制冷系统混合工质的选择方法,分析了制冷剂浓度对系统性能的影响。通过研究,确定了完成自然复叠制冷循环热力计算所需的参数,并建立了热力计算方法。建立了能快速启动的R23/R134a自然复叠制冷装置;进行了降温和变浓度试验。 关键词 :自然复叠;非同沸制冷剂;制冷技术;热力计算;浓度 Study On The R23/R134a Auto-Refrigerating Cascade System Li Lixin Wang Yujue Ji Jiangang Ni Hai (Shanghai Marine Equipment Research Institute Shanghai 200031) Abstract : The auto-refrigerating cascade systems and how to select the the nonazeotropic mixture refrigerants are introduced,and the effect of the concentration of the nonazrotropic refrigerant mixtures on the performance of refrigeration system is analyzed. The parameteres and the process of the thermodynamic performance calculation of this ARC refrigerating cycle are also studuied.The R23/R134a ARC system which started quickly is designed. The evaporating temperature and the concentration of the nonazrotropic refrigerant mixtures are studied by experiment. Keywords : A uto-refrigerating cascade system; Nonazeotropic mixture refrigerant ; Refrigeration technology ; Thermodynamic performance calculation ;Concentration
关键词:自然复叠 非同沸制冷剂 制冷技术
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