全部作者:石磊 高鹏 耿宴 张
【摘要】 对桩埋管地源热泵系统做了简要的论述,并针对济宁某项目提出设计方案,确定了埋管的数量、采用桩基埋管时的初投资及运行费用等,对比了其他几种空调冷热源方式,得出采用桩基埋管经济性较优。 【Abstract】 In this paper, brief discussion of the ground heat exchanger inside the foundation piles has been analyzed. A project for the design of Jining has been proposed and the amount of pipe, initial investment and operating costs are determined, etc. A result that foundation pile is better than several other air-conditionings cold and heat source methods is derived. 【关键词】 桩埋管; 地源热泵; 面热源; 经济分析 【Key words】 Foundation pile; Ground source heat pump; Surface heat source; Economic analysis
关键词:桩埋管 地源热泵 面热源 经济分
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