全部作者:陈淑花 赵启成 刘学
【中文摘要】 以土豆为实验原料,考察了超高压低温冷冻与解冻过程以及常规冷冻与解冻方式对土豆品质的影响。研究结果表明,经过高压低温处理过的土豆比常规方式处理后的品质明显得到提高,质地和微观组织得到了明显地改善,汁液损失减少;高压快速冷冻(PSF 200MPa and-20℃)过程在保持土豆原有的外观、风味、质构和营养上与其他高压方式相比具有明显优势;当处理压力高于100MPa时,该过程对微生物的灭活具有显著的作用,同时相转变具有促进灭活效果的作用。 【英文摘要】 The influence of freezing-thawing process with the combination of high pressure and low temperature and with the conventional freezing-thawing method at ambient pressure on the quality of potato samples was experimentally investigated,respectively.The results show that the quality of the potato processed with high pressure and low-temperature was higher than that with the conventional process at ambient pressure,including better texture,lower dehydration rate and less broken microstructure,in particular,at PSF 200MPa and-20℃.When the pressure was higher than 100MPa,the clear inactivation on bacteria was noticed,and phase change facilitated the inactivation. 【中文关键词】 园艺学; 土豆; 超高压; 低温; 冻结; 解冻 【英文关键词】 Horticulture; Potato; High pressure; Low tempe
关键词:园艺学 土豆 超高压 低温 冻结
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