全部作者:刘训海 白燚 朱华
【中文摘要】 针对一座试验冷库的实际需要,重新并入一套制冷系统,并通过试验分析降温特性,从经济性角度扩大原有冷库库内温度区域及下一步研究范围。同时对实际设计搭建过程中出现的问题进行探讨分析,以供设计参考。 【英文摘要】 According to the practical need of one cold storage,designs one new refrigeration system and reconstructs it based on the original system.Investigates the feature of cooling rate and analyzes through the experiment on the new system.Achieves the goals of temperature range increase and the expansion of the study scope in the system.Discusses the problems involved in the practical reconstruction in order to present reference to the design of cold storage. 【中文关键词】 冷库; 制冷系统; 试验研究; 低温 【英文关键词】 cold storage; refrigeration system; experimental research; low temperature
关键词:冷库 制冷系统 试验研究 低温
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