全部作者:吕彦力 王新利 张文
【摘要】 本文对环境温湿度对陈列柜及空调系统的影响进行了试验研究。从耦合节能的角度考虑,结合环境温湿度对陈列食品温度的影响,试验分析环境因素对陈列柜及空调系统能耗的影响情况。试验表明,当系统在环境温度23℃,相对湿度55%工况附近运行时,陈列柜及空调系统总能耗较小,陈列柜及空调系统可以达到较好的耦合节能效果。 【Abstract】 In this paper,the influences of environmental temperature and humidity of food display cabinet and air-conditioning system were studied.From the perspective of energy coupling,and combined the influences of environmental temperature and humidity on food temperature of display cabinet.Experimental analyze the impact of environmental factors on energy consumption of display cabinet and air-conditioning system.Experimental studies have concluded that when the system runs in the vicinity of 23 ℃ temperature and 50% humidity,the total energy consumption of display cabinet and air-conditioning system is smaller.Running around in the above conditions,the display cabinet and air-conditioning system can achieve better energy-saving effect of the coupling. 【关键词】 冷藏陈列柜; 空调系统; 温湿度; 节能 【Key words】 Refrigerated display cabinet; Air-conditioning system; Humidity and temperature; Energy saving
关键词:冷藏陈列柜 空调系统 温湿度 节
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