我要投稿论文 - 冷冻冷藏


上传时间:2010-09-01 浏览量:108
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全部作者:庄友明 庄伟敏 胡永 


摘 要 通过理论分析,建立低温冷柜VIP和PU复合隔热墙热流量的数学模型;研究低温冷柜复合隔热墙在给定总厚度后热流量随VIP板厚度的变化关系;通过计算机模拟,得出5种给定总厚度下的热量~VIP厚度的关系曲线。以厦门地区气候条件为例,进一步分析和论述低温冷柜中使用VIP板部分替代PU硬质泡沫塑料所产生的节能效应及经济效益,得出5种给定墙体总厚度下真空隔热板的最佳替代厚度和回收年限。研究结果表明:在总厚度为0.04~0.08m的复合板中,真空板的最佳厚度为0.01m。最短回收年限为3.7年。 关键词: 低温冷柜、真空隔热板、热流量、节能效应、最佳厚度 Study on energy-saving effect from the replacing PU with VIP in the insulation wall of freezer Zhuang youming1 Zhuang weimin1,2 hu yongnian2 1. Institute of energy source and motive power, Jimei University / Cleaning Combustion and Energy Utilization Research Center of Fujian Province , Fujian,Xiamen, 361021,China; 2. Xiamen Goot advanced Material Co., Ltd., Xiamen 361021,China Abstract: Through theoretical analysis,math model of heat flux through the insulation composite wall,which is composed of VIP and PU,of a freezer is established. The relationship between the heat flux and thickness of VIP in the composite is studied. Through computer simulation, five curves of heat flux v.s. thickness of VIP corresponding to five kinds of wall total thickness were obtained. The energy-saving effect and economic benefits from the partly replacing PU with VIP in the insulation wall of freezer is further analyzed and discussed under the Xiamen local area climate conditions. Optimal thicknesses of replacing PU with VIP and its corresponding invest recall periods from different total wall thicknesses were found. Result from the study shows that all the optimal thicknesses of replacing PU with VIP nearly have the same value of 0.01 m for different total wall thickness and the shortest invest recall period for the replacing is 3.7 year. Keywords: freezer; vacuum insulation panel ; heat flux ; energy saving optimal thickness

关键词:低温冷柜 真空隔热板 热流量  

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庄友明 庄伟敏 胡永 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:低温冷柜 真空隔热板 热流量  


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