全部作者:动态热环境下徐涛 刘
【摘要】 室内热环境是影响人体热舒适的关键因素,研究动态热环境下人体的热舒适温度范围,对促进建筑节能有着重要的意义。本文以深圳市某居住小区的住户为研究对象,在动态的室内环境中,测试分析了不同状况下的人体热舒适温度和自然通风的热舒适性效果,提出了有关建议:住宅建筑应尽量采用自然通风来达到舒适性要求,在自然通风无法满足要求时,可采用风扇等其他机械通风方式;空调状态下人体热舒适温度在国家标准规定的26℃基础上可适当提高1~2℃。 【Abstract】 Indoor thermal environment is the key factor of influencing human thermal comfort.It's important significance for promoting building energy saving by researching on human thermal comfort temperature range.This paper takes several inhabitants of some residential district of Shenzhen as experiment object,tests and analyses human thermal comfort temperature of different condition and thermal comfort effect on natural ventilation,points out some proposal: residential building should use the natural ventilation as far as possible at satisfying comfortable condition.If it's not satisfy,some other mechanical ventilation ways such as fan can be used;human thermal comfort temperature can appropriately enhance 12℃ on national standards regulation 26℃ basis on air conditioning state. 【关键词】 室内热环境; 人体热舒适; 建筑节能; 自然通风 【Key words】 indoor thermal environment; human thermal comfort; building energy saving; natural ventilation
关键词:暖通空调论文 室内热环境 人体热
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