全部作者:Tiantian Xie Guoqing Yu1 Xiaohui Gong
文献出处:2011国际暖通大会 年份:2011 期数:1
his paper presents a computational thermal model that has been used for analyzing the annual performance of plat collectors integrated with envelopes, and compares the thermal performance of this integration module to envelopes without solar collectors. The results show that the annual average efficiency of plate collector integrated with envelopes and the single collector is relatively 43.6% and 39.8%. Compared to the traditional plat collectors, the annual effective solar heat gain by collector with the closed air doors is increased by 9.6%. In summer, the reduction of space heat gain through the envelopes with closed air doors and envelopes with open air doors is 78.6% and 77.8%, which is much better than envelopes without collectors. In winter, the space heat loss through the envelopes with closed air doors is significantly lower than the envelopes with opened air doors and envelopes without collectors, while the heat loss of envelopes with opened air doors is higher than envelopes without collectors.
关键词:Plate solar collectors Building envelopes Integration Thermal performance
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