全部作者:叶蔚. 张旭
摘 要: 隧道通风以CO、颗粒物为主要控制对象,CO对人体健康的影响较为突出。根据纵向通风及半横向通风隧道CO分布特性,改进了用于计算在一定环境CO浓度及暴露时间下人体血液中碳氧血红蛋白(COHb)浓度的Coburn-Forster-Kane方程(CFK方程),并基于此对我国现行规范《JTJ 026.1-1999 公路隧道通风照明设计规范》(以下简称《规范》)中正常运营及怠速工况下不同通风方式隧道CO浓度设计限值进行了讨论。结果表明,若从生理角度出发,无论正常运营工况还是怠速运营工况,《规范》设定值均高于实际需要。建议针对纵向通风和半横向通风隧道按线性指标给出设计限值。此外,《规范》设定阻滞段平均CO设计浓度的规定并不合理,建议缩短阻滞段最长计算时间或按最长阻滞段计算长度计算。 关键词: 隧道通风;半横向通风;CO浓度;CFK方程 Discussion On Co Concentration Threshold In Tunnels Under Different Operation Cases Abstract: The main targets of tunnel ventilation are CO and PM and the former is harmful to human health. This paper provides an altered CFK equation which can determine the relationship between blood COHb concentration in man, CO concentration and exposure time based on the CO distribution characteristics of longitudinal and semi-transverse ventilation tunnels. The current code Specifications for Design of Ventilation and Lighting in Highway Tunnel lists the CO concentration thresholds for tunnels with different type of ventilation under different operation cases. And the results of discussion upon thresholds show that the current specifications may be higher than the needs physiologically and a linear index is recommended. The thresholds for vehicles under idle speed based on average CO concentration may be inappropriate and its better to calculate it with maximum congestion section length. Keywords: tunnel ventilation; CO concentration; CFK equation
关键词:隧道通风 半横向通风 CO浓度 CFK
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