全部作者:陈龙. 徐玉党 刘显
摘 要: 为了研究分层热风供暖的气流组织效果及其节能途径,对设计的不同工况进行了一系列的CFD模拟研究,模拟最终得到了可视化程度较高的微气候参数,可以看出大空间分层热风供暖是一种合理、有效的气流组织方式,并且在实际运行中通过综合考虑垂直温度梯度和送风温差两个影响因素,可以使系统达到较优的节能效果。 关键词 ::分层热风供暖;CFD模拟;垂直温度梯度;节能性 The research of stratified hot air heating simulation in large space Abstract : In order to study the airflow organization effectiveness and energy efficiency methods of stratified hot air heating, a series of CFD simulation was carried on under the different designed working conditions. Ultimately the simulation provided a micro-climate parameters which had a higher visual levels, the conclusion was that the stratified hot air heating is a rational and effective airflow organization in large space, and in actual operation, if the two factors, the vertical temperature gradient and the supply air temperature, are comprehensively considerate, the system would be able to achieve a better energy efficiency. Keyword ::stratified hot air heating; CFD simulation; the vertical temperature gradient; energy efficiency
关键词:分层热风供暖 CFD模拟 垂直温度
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