我要投稿论文 - 通风除尘


上传时间:2010-08-06 浏览量:128
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全部作者:余刚. 郑万兵 张昌 


摘 要 :本文将室内空气净化方法划分为四代,在对前三代方法进行较全面介绍的基础上,指出它们没有将室内人员(人)、空气净化部件(机)和室内外环境(环境)三者作为一个系统来考虑,也就是说,传统的空气净化方法是脱离人-机-环境系统工程的方法,必然存在顾此失彼的弊端,最终不能达到对室内空气进行最优净化的目的。用人-机-环境系统工程观点来指导室内空气净化方法的设计是未来的发展趋势,所设计的净化方法属于第四代空气净化方法。PCOP(Plasma-Catalytic Oxidation-Purifying Photo Plasma)空气净化系统是一种第四代空气净化方法。 关键词 :室内空气品质;空气净化方法;PCOP;人-机-环境系统工程 Development Of Indoor Air Purification Methods Abstract: Indoor air purification methods are classified into four generations in this paper. Based on a systematic introduction to the first three generations, our study show that they fail to take indoor people (human), air purification devices (machine), and indoor and outdoor environment (environment) as a whole system, i.e., traditional air purification methods are methods without consideration of human-machine-environment system engineering, thus they are certainly not able to meet all types of requirements, and can not fulfill the target of optimal indoor air purification. It is the future trend to design indoor air purification method under the guidance of human-machine-environment system engineering, and this method is regarded as an indoor air purification method of the fourth generation. PCOP (Plasma-Catalytic Oxidation-Purifying Photo Plasma) air purification system is one of the fourth generation methods. Keywords: Indoor air quality; Air purification method; PCOP; Human-machine-environment system engineering

关键词:室内空气品质 空气净化方法 PCOP 

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余刚. 郑万兵 张昌 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:室内空气品质 空气净化方法 PCOP 


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