全部作者:蒋茂灿. 陈良才 江
摘 要 :用FLUENT软件,对仰角进风百叶窗和俯角进风百叶窗对管束下方迎面风速分布的影响进行了数值模拟。百叶窗俯角或仰角越大,管束下方迎面风速越不均匀;仰角15或俯角15时管束下方迎面风速较均匀;仰角式百叶窗空气流动压降小,有利于节省风机能量;百叶窗角度以仰角15~20为宜,此进风角范围内,压降小,管束下方迎面风速均匀,有利于发挥全部管子的换热能力。 关键词 :空冷器;风速;百叶窗;CFD Impact Of Louver Forms On Head Wind Velocities Under Bundle In An Evaporative Air Cooler Chen Liangcai Jiang Maocan Jiang Bo Yang Donghao Feng Zhili Liu Zhichun (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China) Abstract: The wind velocities under the tube bundle impacted by two different forms of louvers is investigated by using FLUENT.The greater the angle of the louver boards of both depression-type louver and elevation-type louver, the more uneven the air velocity distribution under the bundle. When the angle of the louver boards is 15 by using either the elevation-type or the depression-type, the air flow field distribution under the bundle is approximately uniform. Compared with the depression-type, the elevation-type of the louver may give less pressure drop and also save the energy of the fans. The optimal angle range is 15~20 because of its smaller pressure drop and flatter profile of wind distribution. Keywords : air cooler; wind velocity; louver ; CFD
关键词:分布 影响 形式 the of 百叶
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