全部作者:彭先见 罗春燕 刘刚
【中文摘要】 对夏热冬暖地区居住建筑标准的隔热性能指标进行了对比,并通过PKPM2008、清华斯维尔(BECS2008)、逐时温度分析软件Kvalue对不同材料以及不同隔热形式的墙体构造的隔热性能进行了探讨,指出各软件隔热计算结果存在的差异,并基于PKPM模型,针对不同的墙体构造分别做了能耗对比分析,揭示了围护结构热工参数对建筑能耗的影响。 【英文摘要】 Hot summer and warm winter areas of residential building insulation standards of performance were compared,and different materials and different forms of thermal insulation properties of the wall structure were discussed with PKPM2008,THsware(BECS2008)and the temperature analysis software Kvalue ,the difference between the calculated results were pointed out.And for different wall structure,respectively,done a comparative analysis of energy consumption base on PKPM model,that revealing the thermal parameters of envelope structure on the impact of building energy consumption. 【中文关键词】 夏热冬暖; 居住建筑; 围护结构; 隔热; 能耗 【英文关键词】 Hot Summer and Warm Winter; Residential Building; Envelope Structure; Insulation; Energy Consumption
关键词:夏热冬暖 居住建筑 围护结构
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