全部作者:吴宏伟 王厚华 庄燕
【中文摘要】 阐述了调湿材料调节室内温湿度的原理,分析了调湿材料在建筑节能中的功能,并介绍了国内外在调湿材料及相关领域的研究历史与现状,最后指出国内外在采用调湿材料来被动调节室内温度这方面研究的不足以及这类材料在建筑节能中的应用前景。 【英文摘要】 In this paper,the principle of hygroscopic materials for controlling indoor air temperature and humidity is illustrated .Analyses the function of hygroscopic materials in the construction of energy-saving.And introduces the history and current situation on hygroscopic material at home and abroad and related research field.Pointes out that the lack of research on using hygroscopic materials to condition the indoor air temperature passively in domestic and overseas and the applications prospect of hygroscopic materials for construction of energy-saving. 【中文关键词】 调湿材料; 温湿度; 建筑节能 【英文关键词】 hygroscopic materials; air temperature and humidity; construction of energy-saving
关键词:调湿材料 温湿度 建筑节能
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