全部作者:张鹏 付鑫 王如竹
【中文摘要】 微通道内的流动沸腾在能源、电子冷却、生物医疗等高新技术领域有着广泛的应用。对微通道内流动沸腾的研究进展进行了综述,研究工质涉及到水、制冷剂、液氮等,内容包括微通道与常规通道的划分,微通道的传热特性、临界热流密度、压降特性、主要流型以及流型转变、不稳定性的主要形式及产生机理等。同时指出了微通道内流动沸腾进一步的研究工作。 【英文摘要】 Flow boiling in micro-channels has attracted great attention due to its wide application in energy technology, electronic cooling, bio-medical technology and other high-tech fields. In the present paper, recent work on flow boiling in micro-channels is described including heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics, critical heat flux, flow regimes and transitions, and flow instabilities in micro-channels, as well as the classification of macro- and micro-channels. In addition, the further research on flow boiling in micro-channels is suggested. 【中文关键词】 工程热物理; 微通道; 流动沸腾 【英文关键词】 Engineering thermophysics; Micro-channel; Flow boiling
关键词:微通道 流动沸腾
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