全部作者:袁尚科 赵子琴
【中文摘要】 强调了在当前形势下综合利用自然能源的必要性、可行性。以兰州某示范性工程为例,分析了太阳能热水系统和水源热泵空调系统的优缺点,结果认为二者可以实现优势互补,很好地在一个系统中应用。 【英文摘要】 Focused on the necessity and feasibility of natural resource synthetic utilization at current situation.Taking a typical engineering in Lanzhou city as an example,the advantages and disadvantages of water source heat pump system were analyzed,as well as of the solar energy heating water system.The result shows that both of them can be used in a system and achieve advantage complement each other. 【中文关键词】 太阳能; 水源热泵; 采暖制冷 【英文关键词】 solar energy; water source heat pump; heating and refrigeration
关键词:太阳能 水源热泵 采暖制冷
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