全部作者:陈萍 刘拴强
【中文摘要】 介绍基于高温水源热泵技术的温湿度独立控制空调系统在三门峡中心医院新住院大楼工程中的应用,介绍空调冷热源配置以及新、排风系统的设计,重点对不同区域的具体空调系统形式进行介绍,并对本项目的设计优缺点进行分析对比,总结设计该类空调系统所需要注意的若干问题。 【英文摘要】 Presents the application of temperature and humidity independent control(THIC) air-conditioning system based on high temperature water source heat pump for inpatient building of central hospital of Sanmenxia of Henan province. Introduces the cold and heat source configuration, the design of outdoor air and exhaust air system and detail design information of different zone of the hospital. Besides,analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the design of this application. Then,concludes the experiences of designing the THIC air-conditioning system. 【中文关键词】 温湿度独立控制; 高温水源热泵主机; 干盘管; 空调; 新/排风系统; 节能 【英文关键词】 temperature and humidity independent control; high temperature water source heat pump; dry fan-coil unit; air-conditioning; outdoor air and exhaust air system; energy-saving
关键词:温湿度独立控制 高温水源热泵主
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