全部作者:杨戈 张绍志 陈光明
【摘要】 低温保存装置是实现生物材料长期储存的关键设备之一。采用自复叠制冷、自动化控制和最新低温生物技术的冻结线跟踪法开发了一种新型低温保存装置。利用该装置对甘油、丙二醇、二甲亚砜这三种常用的低温保护剂溶液进行了程序控制的变浓度降温和复温实验,使溶液的最终浓度达到玻璃化所需的浓度,最低温度降到-80℃以下。实验表明,新装置性能符合低温保存要求,在生物材料的玻璃化保存领域有良好的应用前景。 【Abstract】 The authors developed a new cryopreservation apparatus for the long-term preservation of biomaterials which incorporates auto-cascade refrigeration,automatic control and the "liquidus-tracking" method.The experiments for cooling and warming with variable concentration were conducted under the control of programs with three common cryoprotectants separately including glycerol,propylene glycol and dimethyl sulfoxide.The final solution concentration arrived at the critical concentration for vitrification and the lowest solution temperature reached -80℃.The experimental results show that the performance of the new apparatus could match the requirement of the preservation and it may have a good prospect in the vitrification preservation of biomaterials. 【关键词】 热工学; 低温保存; 玻璃化; 生物材料; 装置 【Key words】 Pyrology; Cryopreservation; Vitrification; Biomaterials; Apparatus
关键词:实验 研究 性能 装置 保存 新型
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