全部作者:孙健 付林 张世钢
【摘要】 综述国内外对吸收式热泵强化传热传质研究的现状。目前主要的研究方向为新型强化管的开发、新型表面活性剂及强化吸收机制的研究,主要研究目的是如何增大传热面积与加强界面马拉格尼对流,以此提高传热传质系数。 【Abstract】 Presents brief review on the research development of enhancing heat and mass transfer in absorption heat pump,whose main directions of interrelated research are improvement about heat exchanger tube,surfactants in medium,mechanism of absorption enhancement.In order to increase the coefficient of heat and mass transfer,most of researchers are seeking after the way how to increase absorption area and enhance the Marangoni convection. 【关键词】 吸收式热泵; 强化传热; 强化传热管; 表面活性剂 【Key words】 absorption heat pump; heat transfer enhancement; heat transfer enhanced tube; surfactant
关键词:暖通空调论文 收式热泵 强化传热
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