全部作者:邹海富 单华利
【摘要】 以广东省惠州市某酒店为例,通过对原酒店概况及原空调系统分析,先后进行了两个方案节能改造,一个以变频器节能改造失败而告终,一个以电控加制度管理节能改造取得成功,节能改造一定要进行方案比较,以确定最佳选择。 【Abstract】 Analyzing the original building situation and the original air-conditioning systems of a hotel in Huizhou of Guangdong,two energy-saving schemes are implemented for modification. And the scheme of energy-saving frequency converter ended in failure,another scheme of electronic control system with management system accessed to the success for energy-saving. The scheme comparison must be carried out to determine the best option. 【关键词】 节能改造; 电控; 制度管理 【Key words】 modification of energy-saving; electric control; management system
关键词:改造 节能 空调 酒店 of the
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