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上传时间:2010-08-12 浏览量:57
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全部作者:刘焕卫. 杨昭 王明 


摘 要: 自备电和回收余热是独立式燃气机热泵系统优势之一。对余热系统随燃气发动机性能的变化规律进行了实验研究,通过对余热计算模型的计算,着重分析了余热与发动机转速的关系。结果表明:在环境温度为-5℃工况下,缸套余热和排烟余热均随着转速的升高而呈线性增加,在转速为2100rpm时,总余热量可达36kw,约占总供热量的32%。由于发动机余热的回收,使系统的性能系数和一次能源利用率大幅提高,分别达到9.2和1.55,使系统具有良好的环保和节能效果。 关键词 :独立式燃气机热泵 余热 计算模型 性能系数 一次能源利用率 Calculation And Analysis Of Waste Heat For Independent Gas Engine-Driven Heat Pump Liu Huan-wei Yang Zhao Wang Ming-tao Thermal Energy Research Institute, Tianjin University, Tianjin, 300072, China Abstract: Autonomous power supply and waste heat recovery is one of advantages of independent gas engine-driven heat pump. Gas engine waste heat experiment was performed. Furthermore, the experimental study analyzes the variation of waste heat with engine speed by waste heat calculation model. The results show that the variation of cylinder jacket and exhaust heat with engine speed appear linear in the condition of ambient temperature -5℃, the waste heat can reach up to 36kw accounting for 32% of total heating capacity at the speed of 2100 rpm. The coefficient of performance(COP)and primary energy ratio(PER) have been largely improved up to 9.5 and 1.55 due to waste heat recovery. At the same time, it is an energy-conservation and environmental-protection technology. Keywords: independent gas engine-driven heat pump; waste heat; calculation model; COP; PER

关键词:暖通空调论文 独立式燃气机热泵 

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刘焕卫. 杨昭 王明 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:暖通空调论文 独立式燃气机热泵 


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