全部作者:程文龙. 韩丰云 刘
摘 要: 本文采用DANTEC相位多普勒测速仪(PDA)对压力旋流雾化喷嘴的液滴参数进行了研究,并对张角30喷嘴在不同流量下的液滴参数进行了对比分析。实验结果显示:喷雾截面上的液滴主要分布在介于喷雾中心与喷雾边缘之间的一个环形区域上。这个区域内的液滴速度、粒径最大,液滴分布密集。当到喷嘴出口距离增大到一定时,喷雾截面才成为一个实心圆。随着流量增大,主流区液滴速度的最大值、喷雾边缘的液滴速度及主流区面积都有所增大。 关键词 :喷嘴;液滴速度;粒径;液滴分布 Experimental Study Of Spray Droplet Parameters Cheng Wenlong Han Fengyun Liu Qinie Zhao Rui Xu Shumin University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230027, China Abstract: A Phase Doppler Anemometry was used to measure the droplet parameter of the full conical pressure swirl nozzle in this study, and the droplet parameters comparative analysis of spray angle 30 nozzle under different flow rates was given. The analyzed results showed that: droplets mainly disperse on the mainstream region between the entrainment region and the exterior spray region, and axial velocity and SMD in the mainstream region are greater than that in the other regions. With the increasing of nozzle-to-surface distance, the mainstream region moves and extends outward, and radial distributions of spray parameters become smoother. With the increase of the flow rates, the maximum value of droplet velocity in mainstream region, the droplet velocity in exterior spray region, and the area of mainstream region increase. Keywords : spray nozzle; droplet velocity; SMD; droplet distribution
关键词:喷嘴 液滴速度 粒径 液滴分布
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