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上传时间:2010-08-24 浏览量:160
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全部作者:周玉明. 郭航 叶芳 


摘 要: 介绍了一种基于质子交换膜燃料电池和电解池的电化学制冷制热循环系统。阐述了系统的工作原理。分别建立燃料电池、电解池的集总参数动态模型,耦合成系统的动态模型。通过建立系统的动态模型,研究了主要运行参变量对系统制冷制热动态输出性能和系统运行效率产生的影响。模拟结果和文献实验数据相符合。利用此模型对系统电流出现阶跃变化时,系统的制冷制热系数、补偿电源输入电压、制冷制热量的动态响应进行了数值研究和结果分析。 关键词: 电化学制冷 燃料电池 电解池 制热 数值模拟 Simulation and analysis of an electrochemical refrigeration / heating cycle based on fuel cells Yuming Zhou Hang Guo Fang Ye Chongfang Ma College of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, P. R, China Abstract: An electrochemical refrigeration and heating circulation system based on proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) and electrolytic cell was presented. The working principle of the system was illustrated. The lumped parameter model of a PEMFC stack and a electrolytic cell have been developed and coupled into a dynamic model of system to evaluate influence of operating parameters on system operation efficiency and dynamic performance of refrigeration and heating. The results of simulation were validated with the experimental data from literature. Using the model, numerical study was performed to analyze the dynamic response of the system coefficient of performance, the input voltage of compensating power supply and the heating and refrigeration capability of the system to the step change of output current of fuel cell stack. Keywords: Electrochemical refrigeration, Fuel cells, Electrolytic cell, Heating, Numerical simulation

关键词:电化学制冷 燃料电池 电解池  

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周玉明. 郭航 叶芳 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:电化学制冷 燃料电池 电解池  


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