全部作者:金偉力 坂井麻美 岡野浩志
文献出处:第十八届全国暖通空调制冷学术年会 年份:2012 期数:1
In the present flow system for a low dew point desiccant dehumidifier, multiple rotors have to be arranged in tandem. Because each rotor requires a regeneration heater, running costs of the system becomes large. In this work, from the viewpoint of energy saving, low-dew point dehumidifiers for how to achieve energy saving problems were studied. In the proposed energy-saving super-low dew point dehumidifiers system, the first rotor regeneration heater can be removed, and the second rotor regeneration outlet air without re-heating as the first rotor regeneration air to be used directly. Compared with the existing dehumidifier, new energy-saving super-low dew dehumidifier energy consumption can be reduced by about 46% or more.
关键词:Dehumidifier Adsorption Saving of energy Desiccant rotor Lithium ion battery Dry roomSuper-low dew point air Honeycomb dehumidification rotor
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