文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2004 期数:9
干盘管与新风预处理系统在某洁净车间中的应用 【英文篇名】 Application of dry cooling coil plus make up air systems to a clean workshop 【作者中文名】 汪洪; 【作者英文名】 By Wang Hong Environmental Market Solutions Inc.; Beijing; China; 【作者单位】 美国EMSI环境管理咨询有限公司; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 洁净生产车间; 冷水混合站; 风机过滤器; 【英文关键词】 dry cooling coil make?up air system; clean plant; chilled water mixing station; fan filter unit; 【摘要】 介绍了某电子半导体洁净生产车间中的干盘管与新风预处理空调系统的原理和水系统的设计。由于室内显热和潜热负荷分别由干盘管和新风承担 ,所以系统没有冷凝水。介绍了冷水混合站、风机过滤器及干盘管等关键设备的运行原理。指出了系统运行时需注意的问题。 【英文摘要】 Presents the principle of this air conditioning system applied to an electronic semi?conductor clean plant and the design of its water system. Because the dry cooling coil only assumes the indoor sensible heat load and fresh air assumes the latent heat load, no condensate occurs in the system. Presents the operating principle of some critical components such as chilled water mixing station, fan filter unit and dry cooling coil. Points out the key issues in operation and gives the solutions.
关键词:车间 应用 系统 处理 the
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