全部作者:林霆  隋学敏
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2008 期数:6
【英文篇名】 Design of air conditioning system for an apartment hotel in Shanghai 【作者中文名】 林霆; 隋学敏; 【作者英文名】 Lin Ting and Sui Xuemin Modern Huagai Architectural Design Co.; Ltd.; Shanghai; China; 【作者单位】 现代建筑设计集团华盖建筑设计有限公司; 同济大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Heating Ventilating 吊顶辐射; 独立新风系统; 热泵式溶液调湿机组; 【英文关键词】 ground source heat pump; ceiling radiant; dedicated outdoor air system; heat pump driven liquid desiccant fresh air handling unit; 【摘要】 从节能与舒适的角度出发,对上海张江某酒店式公寓空调末端采用温湿度独立控制系统,即吊顶辐射供冷供热系统加独立新风系统。采用高效热泵式溶液调湿机组处理新风,地源热泵机组供冷、供热、供生活热水。详细介绍了整个空调系统及自控系统,并分析了吊顶防结露、厨房风量平衡等设计难点及其解决措施。 【英文摘要】 For the requirement of energy saving and occupant comfort,adopts a temperature and humidity independent control system—the ceiling radiant cooling and heating plus dedicated outdoor air system.Applies the heat pump driven liquid desiccant fresh air handling unit to treat fresh air,ground source heat pump to provide cooling,heating and domestic hot water.Explores the whole air conditioning system and the automatic control system in detail,and analyses some difficult problems in design such as avoiding conden...
关键词:设计 空调 公寓 air and system
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