文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2002 期数:6
【英文篇名】 Thermodynamic characteristic simulation of the outdoor heat exchanger in an air source heat pump 【作者中文名】 陈丽萍; 【作者英文名】 By Chen Liping Nanjing University of Technology; China; 【作者单位】 南京工业大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 换热器; 湿空气状态; 计算机模拟; 【英文关键词】 heat pump; heat exchanger; moist air state; computer simulation; 【摘要】 用计算机模拟空气源热泵风侧换热器在不同环境温度和相对湿度条件下运行的热力特性。计算出换热器肋片管表面温度后 ,根据水的相图判别肋片管上湿空气的干工况、凝露和结霜三种状态。模拟结果表明 ,环境温度 5℃左右 ,相对湿度高于 67% ,风侧换热器肋片管易结霜 ;环境温度越低 ,则越不容易结霜。 【英文摘要】 Simulates the thermodynamic characteristic of the air side heat exchanger of an air source heat pump under different air temperature and relative humidity. According to the phase diagram of water, distinguishes dry operating condition, condensation and frosting of moist air on the fin of heat exchanger after working out the surface temperature of the fin tubes. Simulating results show that the fin tubes will be prone to frosting when ambient temperature is about 5 ℃ and humidity is higher than 67%? The low...
关键词:空气 模拟 状态 计算机 of the
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