文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2001 期数:3
关于热压系数与风压系数的思考和建议 【英文篇名】 Consideration and proposal of thermal pressure and wind pressure coefficients 【作者中文名】 符永正; 【作者英文名】 By Fu Yongzheng; 【作者单位】 武汉科技大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 热压系数; 风压系数; 风载体型系数; 【英文关键词】 air infiltration; thermal pressure coefficient; wind pressrue coefficient; building type coefficient of wind load; 【摘要】 通过分析指出 :现行暖通规范中给出的热压系数取值范围是不正确的 ;隐含于风压差系数中的风载体型系数采用整个表面的平均值将造成较大的误差。提出了热压系数取值的两种改进途径 ,并建议针对建筑表面风压分布的不均匀性研究风压计算问题 【英文摘要】 Points out through an analysis that the values given in the current national HVAC regulation are incorrect and that it makes a major error to adopt an average building type coefficient over the whole building surface in wind pressure calculation. Puts forward two ways to improve the correctness of thermal pressure coefficient calculation, and proposes to conduct further research based on the actual distribution of wind pressure on building surface.
关键词:系数 建议 思考 关于 pressure
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