全部作者:符永正 周红丹 柳志威
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:2
摘要: 通过分析指出,水泵变速工况符合比例定律的工程条件为:无背压系统,所有并联水泵同时变速(包括单台泵系统变速),管路特性曲线不改变。水泵变速节能分析应当依据实现同一流量目标条件下,水泵变速调节与其他流量调节方式的能耗比较,而不应当与设计工况比较。 关键词 :水泵,相似定律,比例定律,应用 Application of water pump proportionality law to heating and air conditioning systems By Fu Yongzheng★, Zhou Hongdan and Liu Zhiwei Abstract :Makes an analysis and points out that the engineering conditions of variable speed working condition of water pump in line with the proportionality law are as follows: non?back?pressure system,all parallel pumps changing speed synchronously (including a single variable speed pump system) and fixed pipeline characteristic curve. Energy saving effect analysis of variable speed pumps should be based on the energy consumption comparison of the pump variable speed control to other flow control methods in conditions of achieving the same flow, but not to the design working condition. Keywords :water pump, similarity ality law, proportionality law, application ★Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
关键词:水泵 相似定律 比例定律 应用
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