文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2001 期数:3
水冷式表冷器传热研究(3):半干半湿工况热力计算 【英文篇名】 Heat transfer study of surface air coolers (3): Thermodynamic calculation of combined dry and wet cooling condition 【作者中文名】 王晋生; 【作者英文名】 By Wang Jinsheng; 【作者单位】 解放军理工大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 热力计算; 半干半湿工况; 【英文关键词】 surface air cooler; thermodynamic calculation; combined dry and wet condition; 【摘要】 将已较成熟的水冷式表冷器干工况和湿工况热力计算理论与干、湿工况的分界点“表冷器空气初状态的露点温度”结合起来 ,建立了半干半湿工况热力计算公式。其特点在于把湿工况段转换为等价干工况处理 【英文摘要】 Establishes thermodynamic calculating formulas of the water cooled surface air cooler when part of its coil surface is dry and the rest is wet, making use of the present thermodynamic calculation theories of dry and wet cooling conditions. These two theories are combined with the initial condition air dew point, which is the dividing line between dry and wet coil surface parts. The character of this study is that heat transfer of wet condition coil surface is transformed into one of a corresponding equival... 【DOI】 cnki:ISSN:1002-8501.0.2001-03-028
关键词:热力 计算 研究 of wet surface
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