文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2000 期数:3
乌市地区推广节能供暖居住建筑探讨 【英文篇名】 Discussion of popularising energy-efficient heated residence in Urumqi 【作者中文名】 马忠根; 【作者英文名】 By Ma Zhonggen; 【作者单位】 新疆建筑设计研究院; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, HV 节能; 途径; 【英文关键词】 residential building; energy conservation; approach; 【摘要】 结合乌鲁木齐市节能建筑建设现状 ,探讨了供暖住宅建筑节能 50 %的途径 ,认为提高围护结构的保温性和气密性、实行供暖系统热计量和分室控制室温是实现建筑节能的关键环节 ,指出建筑节能既可以减少初投资和运行费用 ,又可改善室内外环境质量 【英文摘要】 Probes into the approach of 50% energy saving for popularising heated residential buildings in Urumqi based on current construction status. Considers that increasing heat insulation performance and air tightness of the building envelope, metering the heat and charging the user, regulating the room temperature are the main methods to reduce energy consumption of buildings. Points out that building energy conservation can reduce first investment and operating costs as well as improve environment quality indoo...
关键词:居住 建筑 探讨 节能 地区 推广
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