全部作者:贾素锐 张彩霞
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:1997 期数:2
【英文篇名】 Problems to the imitation Luwa AC chamber and improving measures 【作者中文名】 贾素锐; 张彩霞; 【作者英文名】 Jia Surui and Zhang Caixia; 【作者单位】 石家庄第一棉纺厂; 石家庄常山纺织集团有限责任公司; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, HV 空调; 改造; 【英文关键词】 textile mill; air conditioning; transformation?; 【摘要】 纺织老厂空调改成以吸入式为代表的新型仿罗瓦空调后,个别工程出现阻力增大、风机效率降低、能耗增加、热湿交换效率下降等问题。分析了问题的原因,指出老厂压入式空调不应盲目改造成吸入式,要保证洗涤段的足够长度,建议喷淋排管与挡水板距离不小于1.8m。 【英文摘要】 Reports that after transforming into of imitation Luwa style, some AC systems in textile mills were found operating under worsened conditions with higher resistance and energy consumption, lower efficiencies of fan and air handling units, etc. Analyses the cause and suggests that the transform is conditioned by some important factors including the sufficient length of the air washer section, adequate distance between the spraying pipe and the eliminator.
关键词:改进 措施 问题 出现 空调 改造
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