全部作者:梁韬 叶大法 吴玲红
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2009 期数:12
摘要: 介绍了该技术在上海世博轴的工程应用情况。研究表明地下蓄热体可以用于新风降温,且冷却能力随风量增大而提高。然而系统能效分析表明并非风量越大越好,部分新风降温系统具有更高的效率,需要根据工程的具体情况进行优化设计。 关键词: 世博轴 地下蓄热体 全新风降温 部分新风降温 能效分析 Study and application of fresh air cooling technology using earth heat retainers By Liang Tao★, Ye Dafa, Wu Linghong, Jin Mingang and Zhang Xu Abstract Presents the application of the technology in Expo Axis, Shanghai. The research result shows that the earth heat retainer can be used to cooling fresh air, and that the larger the air flow rate, the greater the cooling capacity is. However, the energy efficiency analysis indicates that the system with part fresh air cooled by earth heat retainer has higher efficiency and it is necessary to do optimizing design for each actual projects. Keywords Expo Axis, earth heat retainer, all fresh air cooling, part fresh air cooling, energy efficiency analysis ★ East China Architectural Design nbsp;
关键词:世博轴 地下蓄热体 全新风降温
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